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  • orro residential flyer

    Compostar y reciclar ahora son parte de la ley para los habitantes de California

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  • orro residential flyer

    캘리포니아 주민을 위한 이제 퇴비화 및 재활용법

    음식물 찌꺼기 및 기타 퇴비화 가능한 재료를 적절하게 분류하는 것은 기후 변화에 대처하는 데 도움이 될 뿐만 아니라 이제 법이 되었습니다. 2022년 1월부터 주법(SB 1383)에 따라 거주자와 사업체는 퇴비화 및 재활용 가능한 재료를 캘리포니아 매립지에서 보관해야 합니다. 이 전단지는 재활용품 및 퇴비를 올바르게 분류하는 방법을 다루고 음식물 쓰레기를 방지하기 위한 팁을 제공합니다.

    English version 

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    Composting & Recycling Now the Law for California Residents

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    正確地分類食物殘渣和其他可堆肥物料,不僅有助於對抗氣候變化,現在這已經成為一項法律。自2022 年1 月起,加州法規(SB 1383) 將禁止居民和公司行號將可堆肥和可回收物料倒入加州的垃圾填埋場。

    English version 

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    We offer two resources for organizations looking to establish food recovery agreements:

    • Comprehensive Food Recovery Agreement Template – a detailed contract with customizable terms.
    • Simplified Food Recovery Agreement Template – a basic agreement that meets minimum legal requirements.


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  • Topic Briefs   

    Historically, residents in multifamily buildings have faced barriers to improving their homes. In many cases, buildings are not maintained, and retrofits are long overdue. To address this challenge, StopWaste is working with local partners to implement energy efficiency projects in multifamily properties that also improve resident comfort, safety and health.

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  • Topic Briefs   

    For the past decade, StopWaste has been strengthening our partnerships with food recovery organizations to better understand their needs. As part of this effort, we convene the Alameda County Food Recovery Network, which includes a wide range of food recovery organizations, grantees, and other community groups such as faith-based organizations and housing agencies.

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  • Topic Briefs   

    A great place to look for water savings year round is outdoors in the landscape. If you’re ready to move on from having a water-thirsty lawn, try sheet mulching for the least expensive and most effective way to convert your lawn to a garden.

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  • Topic Briefs   

    Nearly half of California is in an exceptional drought, including Alameda County, which is seeing its 10th driest year on record. Outdoor landscapes can be some of the biggest water users at our homes, but simple and cost-effective approaches are available to help reduce outdoor water use and keep your garden healthy.

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  • Topic Briefs   

    Each year, StopWaste awards local nonprofit and businesses grant funding for projects focused on repair, reuse, food waste prevention, and food donation equipment. The program engages businesses and community-based organizations to reduce waste in Alameda County while helping to address some of the County’s most pressing environmental and equity issues.

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