Preventing Waste for Businesses and Institutions

While recycling is great for a company’s bottom line, preventing waste by reducing and reusing is even better. By stopping waste before it starts you can reap more cost savings than recycling alone, and improve efficiency at the same time. In addition, by rooting out waste, your organization shows it cares for the community and the environment, and helps make Alameda County a great place to live and work.
In this section:
Assistance & Funding
Grants and other financial incentives for businesses, institutions and public agencies.
Reduce Wasted Food
Grants and technical assistance for food manufacturing and large-scale food prep operations to save on disposal, food purchases, and labor.
Reduce Packaging Waste
StopWaste offers hands-on support and financial incentives to help your organization optimize consumer packaging as well as transport packaging.
Reduce Disposable Food Ware
Learn about ReThink Disposable, a free program that helps businesses and schools transition to reusable food ware and introduce practices that prevent waste.
Reduce Paper Use
Learn about paper saving practices to boost your organization’s efficiency and how to reduce pesky junk mail.
Green Building
Reduce resource and energy waste in non-residential and multifamily building construction and operation.
Create high performance landscapes for public, commercial and multifamily properties.
Landscape Design
Resources to learn about creating high performance landscapes for public, commercial and multifamily properties.
Green Purchasing
Resources to help your organization choose environmentally-friendly products and services, and make more sustainable purchasing decisions.
If you are looking for recycling information, head over to our Recycling for Businesses and Institutions section.