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Ordinances, Policies and Fees

Countywide Integrated Waste Management Plan (CoIWMP)

The Alameda County Countywide Integrated Waste Management Plan (CoIWMP) serves as a roadmap to approaching Alameda County’s solid waste management and recycling issues.

Measure D

In 1990, Alameda County voters overwhelmingly approved Measure D, the Alameda County Waste Reduction and Recycling Act, with the goal of reducing waste by 75% by 2010. Read more about Measure D policies and disbursements.

Beyond 75% Diversion: A Plan for Landfill Obsolescence

Measure D established the Alameda County Source Reduction and Recycling Board (“Recycling Board”) and mandated that the Recycling Board create and periodically update a plan for a comprehensive source reduction and recycling program.  This is that plan.

Reusable Bag Ordinance

As of January 1, 2013, grocery stores and certain other food retailers in Alameda County can no longer provide single-use plastic carryout bags at checkout. Learn more at

Organics Reduction and Recycling Ordinance

California State law, SB 1383, aims to keep food and other compostable materials ("organics") out of landfills to reduce emissions that contribute to climate change. In Alameda County, the law is implemented and enforced under the Organics Reduction and Recycling Ordinance.  Learn more here.

Plant Debris Landfill Ban

Disposal of plant debris in Alameda County landfills is prohibited. Plant debris includes grass, leaves, shrubs, vines and tree branches. Residents should dispose of plant waste and food scraps in their green bin. Landscape and gardening professionals, commercial and multi-family property owners, and haulers can learn the rules for disposing of plant waste at

Facility Fee

Alameda County Waste Management Authority Ordinance 2009-01 established procedures and reporting requirements for the collection of the countywide solid waste facility fee, which is applied to solid waste originating in Alameda County that is deposited in landfills outside the county. For more information, visit the Ordinance 2009-01, Facilicity Fee web pages.

Household Hazardous Waste Fee

In February 2014, the Alameda County Waste Management Authority Board adopted a new household hazardous waste fee of $9.55 per year per residential unit which went into effect July 1, 2014.  Revenue from the fee is used to support the countywide household hazardous waste program, which provides safe, legal, environmentally sound collection and disposal services for residential household hazardous waste.  For more information, visit the HHW Fee Ordinance page or read the HHW Fee FAQs.

California State Bill 54

A new State law, SB 54, known as the Plastic Pollution Prevention and Packaging Producer Responsibility Act, sets new goals to reduce plastic packaging and requires that all forms of single-use products be recyclable or compostable by 2032.  StopWaste’s Executive Director, Timothy Burroughs, has been selected as one of 16 members of the SB 54 advisory board and will represent the interests of local governments.  StopWaste and partners are actively involved in the rulemaking process and working to engage local governments across the State.


