Grant Evaluation and Criteria
Proposals are reviewed and evaluated competitively within each grant category by StopWaste staff members. Outside experts may be consulted as needed. During the review process, program staff may contact the applicant for more information and elect to interview applicants or conduct a site visit before making a funding recommendation. However, an expression of interest by staff should not be construed as an indication of forthcoming grant approval. Projects are reviewed using the following criteria:
- Project Conception and Technical Feasibility: Proposal is clear and comprehensible; project activities are well defined and technically feasible to implement; milestones and timeline are realistic; resources to implement project are available; project is innovative and non-duplicative of existing Agency projects, programs, and/or services. Proposal is clearly articulated and includes target audience and strategies to reach intended audience. Proposal addresses markets and supply chain issues when applicable.
- Outcomes/Measurement/Impact: Objectives clearly stated, specific, realistic, and measurable through an identified methodology; project monitoring and evaluation strategies thoughtfully planned. The proposed project offers a significant contribution to reuse and recovery programs and infrastructure in Alameda County; transferability of successful waste prevention/reuse tasks and strategies. Economic development, public education or technical advancements will be attained by funding.
- Leadership and Organizational Capacity: Management and staff are qualified to implement project and achieve stated objectives; facilities, equipment, resources, and community support are adequate and appropriate for proposed project. The applicant has demonstrated commitment and readiness to implement the project. Organizational capacity is one of the most critical indicators of future project success.
- Financial Viability: Organization demonstrates sound fiscal management; project budget is realistic and appropriately leverages other resources; project is cost effective, financially feasible and sustainable; there is adequate oversight and accountability of project income and expenses. (Diversity of types and scopes of projects will be taken into consideration as not all projects can be self-sustaining at the end of the grant term).
- Equity and Partnerships: StopWaste strives to support projects and organizations that serve communities, hold social and racial equity as an element of their work as well as incorporates partnerships into proposed projects.
a. Equity: Organizations and businesses with proposed projects that ties to their community’s pressing needs. Equity considerations include but not limited to: communities served (including diverse and/or historically underserved populations), increasing access to supportive services and products and job training/job creation opportunities
b. Partnerships: The applicant clearly identifies partners, their roles, and deliverables for the project, and provides letters of support from each identified partner. Proposal articulates how fostering cooperation and resource sharing between the proposed partnership entities creates a stronger and more effective project.
New Applicants: Priority will be given to applicants with strong proposals who have not received funding in the past.
Food Waste Reduction Grants Priorities
The Food Waste Prevention & Recovery, Surplus Food Donation Equipment, and Community Food Systems grants are looking to support projects that prioritize one or more of these key areas. Projects that do not fit in these key areas, but still fit in with the project goals will still be considered. Priority will be given to projects that:
- Incorporate food waste prevention approaches
- Projects that undertake upstream initiatives to eliminate or reduce the generation of surplus food from food businesses, especially initiatives focused on reducing less desirable food items that are challenging or unwanted in food donation programs.
- Recover and redistribute prepared food
- Projects that aim to recover and redistribute hot or cold, prepared food from Tier 2 generators such as restaurants, hospitals, and schools (those included in SB1383 Tier 2 commercial edible food generator (CEFG) category). Find more information on Tier 2 CEFG.
- Implement client choice food distribution models
- Projects that prioritize culturally appropriate food distribution with dignity and client choice.
- Provide donated food to the most underserved communities
- Projects that are serving individuals and families in neighborhoods identified as low-income or underserved; address gaps in services; or other criteria that highlight an increased need.
- Projects that distribute donated food in a model that reaches people with limited mobility and access, such as seniors, mobility impaired, etc.
- Offer multi-benefit services
- Food waste prevention, recovery, or upcycling projects that also provide additional community benefits, such as job training, economic empowerment, community education about nutrition and/or storage tips, supporting small businesses, food sharing partnerships.
- Demonstrate community partnerships and support
- Cooperative projects that are rooted in the communities served.
- Projects that empower, elevate, and strengthen communities through intentional collaborations.
- Requests to purchase vehicles, trucks, or vans will not be considered for funding in the following categories: Food Waste Prevention & Recovery, Surplus Food Donation Equipment, and Community Food Systems.