Reusable Bag Law
Since 2013, grocery stores and certain other food retailers in Alameda County have not been allowed to provide single-use plastic carryout bags at checkout, and the results have been great for our local environment.
Related Resources
The Alameda County Waste Management Authority approved an expanded reusable bag ordinance for Alameda County. The expanded ordinance will apply to all stores and restaurants in the county, and will go into effect on May 1, 2017 for retail stores and November 1, 2017 for restaurants.
WMA Board Adopts Expanded Reusable Bag Ordinance for Alameda County
The Alameda County Waste Management Authority approved an expanded reusable bag ordinance for Alameda County. The expanded ordinance will apply to all stores and restaurants in the county, and will go into effect on May 1, 2017 for retail stores and November 1, 2017 for restaurants.
EPP Fact Sheet: Janitorial Cleaning Products
This fact sheet can help businesses and institutions find environmentally preferable cleaning products that can handle the same commercial, industrial, and residential cleaning needs as traditional cleansers.
Bay Area News Group reports on consumer confusion about curbside recycling
An article in the March 11, 2016 Oakland Tribune reports on how packaging, labeling, and programmatic differences have led to confusion amongst Bay Area consumers who want to do the "right thing" with their recyclables.
Food Scrap Recycling - Endless Cycle
A one page flyer that shows the process of how our food scraps are turned into compost.
Model Garden Design: Color for All Seasons
This model garden design includes: concept plan, planting and irrigation plan and annotated plant list.
Sustainable Purchasing Guides
Guides and resources that can help reduce the environmental impact of your organization’s purchasing choices.
The following Sustainable Purchasing Guides (SPGs) were designed to provide specific policy-driven product and service direction for more sustainable purchasing in a 2-page format that agency leads can use as a communication tool to agency staff who make purchasing decisions. Each Sustainable Purchasing Guide contains:
Recycling and Solid Waste Collection Rates and Services
This PDF contains current rate information for the following services:
- Solid Waste and Recycling Services Offered in Basic Rate Package
- Monthly Rates for Residential Solid Waste/Recycling/Plant Debris/Bulky Clean Up
- Rates for Commercial Solid Waste/Recycling/Plant Debris/Bulky Clean Up
(updated 8-14-24)
What other types of environmentally preferable office supplies are available?
Look for rechargeable batteries, water-based and non-toxic highlighters and markers, and 10-100% postconsumer recycled content plastic trash bag liners. Plastic desktop accessories like notepad and pencil holders, trays and organizers can be made with 25-80% postconsumer content. Plastic binders can contain up to 100% postconsumer recycled content, depending on the type of plastic.
Where can individuals or small businesses find sources of environmentally-friendly products?
There are many listings of “environmentally-friendly” consumer and business products. Here are just a few: