Resources for Public Agencies

The Lakeside Green Streets project in Oakland earned the ReScape California Rated Landscape designation in 2019.
StopWaste encourages public agencies in Alameda County to enhance their communities with sustainable, climate-adaptive landscaping practices. Here are resources our member agencies may find particularly helpful. Questions? Contact Jennifer West.
SB 1383 Procurement Resources for Recovered Organic Waste Products
California State law SB 1383 requires cities and counties to buy products made from recovered organic waste and meet annual procurement targets.
- Jurisdictions can learn more about these procurement requirements and find tools that will help with compliance by clicking here.
- Measure D: StopWaste's member agencies have access to Measure D funds that can be applied to sustainable landscape projects. Learn more.
- Training scholarships: Member agency staff may be eligible for a full discount off the cost of ReScape California's (ReScape) Design Qualification and Maintenance Qualification training courses. Email and ask for a StopWaste training scholarship application.
General Resources
- StopWaste's Sustainable Landscapes 2020 report
- StopWaste's WELO Tool Kit and WELO Enforcement Training materials
- ReScape trainings for civic landscape design and maintenance professionals, ReScape Rated Landscapes program, and other sustainable landscape resources
- Climate Change Adaptation Measures report
- Alameda County's plant debris landfill ban
ReScape Rated Landscapes
ReScape Rated Landscapes recognizes excellence in sustainable landscape design, construction and maintenance. The program is managed by ReScape California. Here are some key resources:
Carbon Farming
- Presentation: Carbon Farming in the Altamont Hills: One Public Agency's Experience. Video of StopWaste Program Manager Kelly Schoonmaker presenting on the agency's carbon farming project on its rangeland property (starts at minute 36)
- StopWaste topic brief: Carbon Farming and the Compost-to-Carbon Connection
- News: StopWaste and Partners Fight Climate Change with Compost
Sheet Mulching
- Lawn-to-Garden: Comprehensive website about using sheet mulch to convert lawns to sustainable landscapes
- Lawn-to-landscape checklist: 10 basic practices for improving the environmental performance of a landscape (coming soon)
- Alameda County planting spec (coming soon)
- Sheet mulch details (coming soon)
- Bay-Friendly Landscaping Guide to Mulch