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Surplus Food Donation Equipment Grants

Available to nonprofits, these grants provide funding to support the recovery or donation or surplus edible food that would otherwise go to waste, thereby increasing capacity for businesses to donate food and/or organizations to receive more food, safely transport, and distribute food for donation. 

Who can apply 

  • This grant category is available to nonprofits including but not limited to food pantries, food banks, community or faith-based organizations, and food recovery services; businesses are not eligible.
  • Organizations with open grants will need to contact current grant manager to assess repeat funding eligibility.

Eligible projects

  • Projects must reduce food waste generated or disposed of in Alameda County by recovering and/or redistributing surplus edible food.
  • If project includes the purchase of cold storage equipment for the purpose of increasing acceptance of perishable foods and minimizing food loss, it must be Energy Star rated or energy efficient as defined by the California Department of Energy. View our Food Donation Cold Storage Refrigeration Specification Guide.

Non-eligible projects

  • Projects that compost or recycle food

Priority will be given to projects that

  • Incorporate food waste prevention approaches.
  • Recover and distribute prepared food from donors such as large restaurants, healthcare facilities, events, K-12 school districts, and hotels.
  • Implement client choice food distribution models.
  • Provide donated food to the most underserved communities.
  • Focus on food donation and promote additional services.
  • Demonstrate community involvement and support.

Priority will be given to projects that focus on one or more of the areas mentioned above. Projects not focused on priority areas but that meet the general requirements will still be considered. For additional information on the priority areas for Food Waste Reduction grants, click here.

Funding amounts 

Up to $10,000 per grant

Grant application is now closed. 

Grant Application Timeline

Applications Due: March 14, 2024
Grant Awards Announced: May 24, 2024

Grantee Highlight


Bay Area Community Health

Serving patients in southern Alameda and Santa Clara counties, BACH provides health care and education to their community, prioritizing the social and nutritional needs of their patients. They also partner to distribute rescued fresh produce from farmers' markets to patients. An equipment grant allowed them to purchase a refrigerator and reusable crates for storage and delivery. 

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Alameda Food Bank

The Alameda Food Bank recovers surplus edible food to provide nourishment for thousands of Alameda residents seeking food assistance each week. Grant funds enabled the Food Bank to increase their capacity to redistribute frozen food with the purchase of a glass door freezer unit. In the first year alone, they recovered an additional 17,130 lbs. of frozen food items, including many prepared foods such as high-quality dumplings from a local restaurant. In addition to keeping frozen foods safe, the new unit allows the Food Bank’s clients to select their own frozen items, resulting in a more dignified shopping experience and ensuring that the recovered food is put to its best use.
